Saturday, December 11, 2010
..5.5 Liters of Blood
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
This past week I've been battling the worst cold I've ever had. This has led me to get wayyyyy behind in studio! The things that I was planning on finishing for review on Friday will take more time than I have. Again, I should be freaking out!
..and I would be too, but a couple of hours ago, I turned on some praise and worship music and have been working on studio while praising God since. Needless to say, that is a good way to have perspective while working on something that is not really important in the grand scheme of my life.
I just wanted to share that with y'all in hopes that some of you who are close to finals and who should be freaking out, won't. It doesn't help. Do this instead -
ps... on a side note, this is the most time I've spent with God since this last push for final review started a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't even realized that until just now... I guess sometimes God shows up when you least expect it or even when you least want it. No complaints here. :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
Fullscreen it, please.
A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects
are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.
|Modelling - Texturing - Illumination - Rendering| Alex Roman
|Postproduction & Editing| Alex Roman
Sequenced, Orchestrated & Mixed by Alex Roman (Sonar & EWQLSO Gold Pro XP)
Sound Design by Alex Roman
Based on original scores by:
.Michael Laurence Edward Nyman. (The Departure)
.Charles-Camille Saint-Saƫns. (Le Carnaval des animaux)
Directed by Alex Roman
Done with 3dsmax, Vray, AfterEffects and Premiere.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
..A Life Beyond Reason
Hey All,
I just recently read this essay and it has moved me deeply. This story is so similar to the story of my beloved brother, Jonathan. How this father feels towards his son is so similar to our family’s great love and affection for Jonathan. Please read it:
By Chris Gabbard
My son, August, has a number of quirks that distinguish him from the typically developing 10-year-old. He lives with cerebral palsy, is a spastic quadriplegic, has cortical visual impairment (meaning he is legally blind), is completely nonverbal and cognitively disabled, has a microcephalic head, and must wear a diaper. Moreover, he is immobile—he can't crawl or scoot around or hold himself up or even sit in a chair without being strapped in it. If someone were to put him on the floor and leave him there, he would be in the same location hours later, give or take a foot...
The rest of the essay can be found here:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
..Fail? or Epic Win!
2. Go to "Get Directions."
3. Type Japan as the start location.
4. Type China as the end location.
5. Go to direction #43.
6. Enjoy the rest of the day like I am. :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
..Check it
- I had no idea this guy was so serious about loving Jesus. His blog was so close to what I'm feeling right now, and that song he covered really touched me.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
..All. But. Few..
Ok, so today has completely rocked my world! It started off with me waking up after over 8 hours of sleep (first time in a couple of weeks). That was followed by the best quiet time I’ve had all semester. I then left for school and listened to a sermon that my good friend Paul sent me during the drive. That blew my mind.
Upon arriving at school, I headed over to Danforth Chapel for my first time slot at 24hr prayer this semester. During which, I felt God speaking to me about things in my life and really challenging me to give Him my all. So good. After this influx of energy and strength, I headed to the college of design where I laser cut a project that is due Thursday. All of that went without a hitch (this is a pretty big deal for me). I then spent the next few hours building a model with those laser cut pieces while listening to a message from Simon Guillebaud entitled ‘The Adventure of Calling’. Again, mind blown.
After that, I finished another project while contemplating what I had heard today and was continuously overwhelmed with the life-giving truths of the Bible. The rest of my time at school consisted of going to the SRC to work out, stopping by Danforth for some powerful worship, and working on another project at the library. Busy day. After all of this, I headed home while re-listening to Simon’s message on calling.
All of this led to another quiet time with God in my backyard… in my jacuzzi (yes, it was brilliant). I ended up just praying for about 30- 45 minutes. I hadn’t prayed that long in a long time. It was so good. God, again, blew my mind! Needless to say, I feel reinvigorated. I’m pumped to see what God will do in my life in the coming months, weeks, even days! I am refreshed.
I thought I might leave you with a few key phrases and scriptures that really impacted me today. Enjoy.
How Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.
– Psalm 1
If you feel like you are too busy too give of yourself for Kingdom purposes.. then you are too busy.
– James Tour
Take to your heart all the words with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law. For it is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life and by this word you will prolong your days in the land, which you are about to cross the Jordan to possess.
– Deuteronomy 32
The critical issue in Christianity these days is not abortion, pornography, drugs, racism, etc. The critical issue is dullness. Christianity is no longer life changing, it’s life enhancing. If Christianity is just about being nice then I’m not interested.
- Simon Guillebaud
The defining moments of my life have not been my sins or my successes. They’ve been a depressingly small number of decisions that involved real risk.
- Brennan Manning
All men die, but few men ever truly live!
- Braveheart
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
..Another Epic Night of Hmwk!
This blog will be short.
I was just stressing out about my homework and the lack of sleep I will be getting over the next few days. Then, I paused and realized that I don’t need to stress. I can just relax and enjoy the homework. Simple, slightly weird and straightforward, yet surprisingly refreshing.
Instead of stressing, I took a break and jumped in the Jacuzzi with my little bro and had an amazing Italian cigar, courtesy of Carissa from eMi UK. By the time the cigar was done, an hour and a half of good conversation with my bro had gone by and I was definitely relaxed. I went on and brewed some amazing Moroccan mint tea (from my time in Morroco – 4 hours in the airport) and am now attacking my homework in typical Tim fashion..
Oh and I am also listening to the epic Dark knight soundtrack after procrastinating on fb and seeing Ricky’s status. It really does make me feel like my homework is part of an epic story and that if I don’t finish it the world will end! All around a good time of staying up late and whipping out some good ol’ architecture homework.
Moral of the story – Don’t stress - enjoy every moment!
Friday, September 3, 2010
..Turning and Returning
I feel like many times I don't fully 'repent' from my sin and just make a 'New Year's resolution' to stop doing what I've been doing. I've realized just how incapable I am in stopping myself from sinning when temptations come. I need God's help. Not only that, but this video reminded me that I can limit the temptations that come. I can control what enters my mind through what I allow myself to watch, listen to, read, or just be around.
Watch this video. I hope that it might help someone out there as much as it's helped me today.
"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.." - Acts 3:19
Turn from sin and return to God. It is that simple. It is so worth it!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
..Living Life on the Edge
Hi all!
I don't really know why I'm blogging. I was in the mood and strangely, I don't really have much to say. I was just thinking about how awesome my summer was and how much I am going to miss everyone I met in the UK.. especially all those at eMi!
One of the highlights of my summer – scaling the cliffs of dover:
In other news, I was able to raise all my funds needed for the internship I did with eMi UK with a little help from my friends and family. w00t! To all those who gave so generously and lifted me and the team up in prayer while I was in the UK and Liberia - THANK YOU! You guys are so great!
The last 10 days or so have been really busy. I have been helping my family move into their new house and also have helped my dad with selling the old house. I've done some remodeling in my room too. After tearing off some farmville style wallpaper, I successfully painted my room - again, with a little help from my friends. :)
Tomorrow, I start a new semester. This might possibly be my last year at ASU (unless I do grad school here). I'm really excited about it, but I don't feel that I've adequately prepared for it. As of right now, I'm basically sleeping on an air mattress in a newly painted room with no furniture and I have no idea where any of my architecture supplies are. :0
In summary, my life is a bit crazy now. I am totally unprepared for school. However, I am still living off of the adrenaline from the summer - God has been working on me a lot lately and I'm excited to see what He has in store for me this school year.
My goal for the semester (unlike my last few semesters) is not to just survive the semester, but to be more than a conqueror. To live like a Child of God --- worthy of the glorious inheritance that I have through Jesus. I challenge you to do the same.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
..God is cool
Some say that there is no God. I disagree.
Proof? Ok.
Just watch this video for yourself:
Multiple tower upward lightning flash captured at 9,000 images per second in Rapid City, SD on 6/16/10. A preceding downward positive ground flash triggers upward leaders from seven towers, three of which are visible in the video.
Monday, August 2, 2010
..The End = The Beginning
The end is near. The internship is drawing to a close. The time to return home is at hand!
In the next three days, we will try to finish up the project work for the African Dream Academy. My part is also almost complete. I’ve written the report for the orphan housing I designed. I’ve also finished all the AutoCAD drawings I’ve been working on. Both the report and drawings have been redlined (marked up) and I’ve finished editing them. Now, all that is left is compiling all the pieces of the report and putting the finishing touches on it! We should have the report finished by the time we leave! Praise God for that! If you had asked me two weeks ago if we would finish the project before we left I would have laughed! Again PTL!
I’m so glad that I’ve had this great opportunity to work with eMi and give my time to God. It has been an amazing experience and I’ve seen God reveal things in my heart that I need to change. I praise God for that. He really is challenging me and I am really thankful that I’ve had this time away from everything that is familiar in my life to just spend time with the Lord and gleam from His Word. I’m really going to miss eMi UK, Colchester, and all the friends that I’ve made over here!
The end is near, but only for this stage in my life. I’m also really excited to see all that God has in store for me in the coming months, weeks, and even days! I can’t wait to get back to Arizona and everything that goes along with that. I am especially excited to get back to: family, friends, dogs (that’s you Toby and Teddy!), classmates, Mexican food, iced green tea, beautiful sunsets, Filibertos and longboarding. The ONE thing that I don’t want to get back to is the horrible heat in the desert! I’ve been loving the highs of 70 and the frequent showers here in England. Ah, but it will be so good to get back!
Before I go, I just want to share something that God has really laid on my heart in the past few weeks.
I’ve noticed that in my life, I seem to know what to believe about certain things and claim to believe them. However, God has been showing me that what I say I believe and what I believe are sometimes two very different things.
I claim to put Jesus first in my life, and that He is indeed at the very center of my life. I claim that I have given every bit of my life over to Him to do with as He pleases. I claim that I’m following Jesus just for the sake of following Jesus. However, God’s shown me that this is entirely the case. This is especially true when it comes to trials and tribulations in my life or the lives of those close to me.
I feel that I’ve been through a lot through life. I’ve seen my youngest brother have the most painful and handicapped life that I can imagine. I’ve seen the effect that it has had on my family. I’ve seen close relatives of people close to me die. I’ve seen some friends walk away from God. I’ve seen my best friend get diagnosed with a severe form of cancer and go through intense chemotherapy. I’ve seen even more personal things in my life just get worse and worse.
Each time a new thing comes up, I grumble and complain and ask “when am I (and those close to me) going to get a break?” I feel that I’m entitled to it. I wouldn’t say that of course, but all the same that is what I feel. I’ve been blind to this until recently. This summer, it seems that more and more things keep coming up that don’t seem fair. I don’t get it. I had began to get bitter and kind of be frustrated with God. I did not behave as Job did. I whined. I, of course, wouldn’t admit to that. I had fooled myself into thinking that I was handling it in a Godly way. It wasn’t until a couple of weekends ago that God showed me my true heart.
It came in the form of sailing. Yes, sailing. I had the opportunity to get out in the English Channel (or, at least, very near it) for a bit of sailing. While out on the boat with nothing but the sound of the wind and the waves, God began to work on my heart. He showed me through His creation just how powerful and almighty He really is. With just a slight breeze, the sailboat can be propelled across the great waters of the ocean at a great speed. If the sails aren’t handled with great precision, the occupants would soon be thrown out to sea.
Through this simple realization, I marveled at how great our God really is. I also realized how small I am in compared to Him. I mean, He is the God of the universe – which I find to be breathtakingly beautiful – and with a flick of His fingers He could wipe out everything that He has created!
With this realization, came another one right on its heels. God loves me! He loved me so much that He sent His only Son to live a perfect life and then sacrifice His life in the worst and most painful kind of way just for me! He has saved me from the depths just to be in a relationship with me! When you really get your head around that concept (if that is even remotely possible!), everything else seems to fade away.
I realized that I need to follow Jesus just for the sake of following Jesus. It shouldn’t be conditional to how good my life is at the time, or whether or not I have time for Him. It should be unconditional. I realized that I had started to believe that I am entitled to a good life. That I am entitled to catch a break now and again. When, in reality, I do not have a right to any of that. That is not to say that I should be glad when bad things happen to people close to me, but that I should cry out to God on their behalf and pursue Him more!
The fact of the matter is that we have the chance to have a personal relationship with the One who created us! The One who has given us a new life! How great is that?!? Should we not pursue Him with everything? To give Him our everything – heart, mind, soul, and strength?
I have said similar things before and thought that I had really meant it, but I realize now that I hadn’t fully comprehended the idea. I now understand that living a life for God isn’t about just knowing things or even doing things. It is about abandoning myself and striving after God with my all. I know that I still probably don’t understand it all, but I am trying to grapple with it and talk to God about it. I know that He will help me figure out just exactly what to do about it. But, for now I know that I don’t want an ordinary life. I don’t want a cushioned life. I want an adventurous life! I want a life that is worth living! I want to lay down humbly before the Lord and truly give Him my everything. Not to just say it, but to truly mean it.
I love you. I desire only you.
I give my life to you. All of it.
I want to know you more, really.
But, Father, help me in my unbelief.
Give me the strength I need to see this through.
I need you more than I even realize now.
Tell me where to go and I will go.
I am willing.
I just want to leave you with this video that I have recently watched. This is only a preview of the real video. It’s part of a series of videos made by Simon Guillebaud. They are really challenging me to live all for Jesus. Check them out!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
..The Great Adventure!
Hi everybody!
Long time no blog.. but I’m finally blogging about my trip to Liberia! I know, I know.. it has taken forever to post this! Since we’ve been back, I’ve been very busy working on the project here at the eMi UK office. Between a few late nights at the office, Picasa Web Album problems, weekend trips, Skype dates with friends and family back home, and the Four Adventures of Richard Hannay (amazing book btw).. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to blog. Well, to be fair, I could have blogged if I really wanted to, but the reality of it all was that I was in a blogging funk. Yes, a blogging funk. I just couldn’t force myself to blog.. and believe me, I tried on multiple occasions. But the good news is that I’m finally in a blogging mood! Let’s see how this goes..
(for those of you that just want a quick recap.. watch the videos below, but make sure it’s HD and full screen!)
Just for clarification: I believe that the word epic is used far too often and without just reasons. In this case, it isn’t. Liberia was an adventure! It was a life-changing journey of huge proportions. Needless to say, going on this trip was one of the better things I’ve done in my life. Let me expound.
Prior to the trip.. I didn’t have much time to prepare myself for what I was about to see/do. I left Arizona almost right after school ended, and since I’ve left I have been crazy busy over here! It wasn’t until about the night before we left that it finally started to hit me. It was like that sensation you get when you’re a little kid waiting in line for a super intense roller coaster that you’ve never been on.. ok, yeah, I still get that feeling. Anyways. I was beyond excited going into the trip.
Sweet photo of the sun setting on our flight to Liberia! God is cool.
While I was expecting great things from this trip, I really didn’t have any other expectations. I just wanted to go where God had called me and to see Him work through this trip. On the plane flight to Liberia, I had some time to mentally prepare for what I was about to experience. It was not enough.
We landed in Monrovia (the capitol of Liberia) at the sketchiest airport ever. It was extremely late, very dark, and raining hard.. oh boy! Somehow, through the chaos, we made it through customs, found our bags and discovered Sam Enders waiting to take us to the place we were going to stay. I had no idea who exactly this man Sam Enders was, or just how poor Liberia was. Both exceeded my expectations by far.
Liberia just went through one of the deadliest civil wars in the history of Africa. It lasted for about 20 years and ended less than 10 years ago. It has left its mark on the country and only now is hope beginning to emerge in this place. I’ve heard many people refer to Liberia during the trip as a Fourth World Country, because, It has the poverty of a third world country but also just had a devastating war that completely crippled it. The economy is shot (yes my friends, worse than Phoenix). There is no main power grid or running water throughout the country. Everyone has to rely on themselves, and this usually isn’t the best thing.
Sam Enders driving us through downtown Liberia to see the poverty
It is in this rubbish heap (as the English would say) that a dream is rising out of. This dream is called the African Dream Academy and it was started by Samuel Enders. Sam grew up in Liberia and his days trying to make money for his large family or by going through the rubbish heaps for food. He was completely ignorant of the importance of education. One day he was going through the rubbish and found a picture of a happy child wearing a backpack.. it was this picture that started Sam dreaming. He dreamt of a better world.. and thought that it might be possible if he could only get an education.
With his dream and determination, he put himself into school. He flew through the classes, and before long he had graduated high school. This wasn’t enough for Sam. He pursued a bible school in the states. He wrote them letters frequently asking them to accept him and pay his way to the states. They finally responded and he sent them a video of him leading worship at his church (he was very involved with his church.. started a choir group, taught sermons, etc.).. they were sold. He got his chance! Since then, he’s received an MBA and a masters of divinity.. He has seen his dream of education become a reality.. but what about the others?
Sam’s dream changed from a dream about himself, and became a dream for the children of Liberia. He believes (and so do I) that the key of Liberia is found in the children. If he can only find a way to give them education and lead them to Jesus, the nation might be saved. This is where the African Dream Academy started. Its motto is “to feed an African child is good, but to educate an African child is better”. I love it! They see that a quick meal is only temporary. They need to meet the need at its source – education.. or in Liberia’s case – lack of education.
That is where we come in. ADA contacted us to design the African Dream Academy – classrooms for 2000 children, housing for 300 orphans, staff housing, multi-purpose hall, admin buildings, dining hall, sports fields, swimming pool, etc. This was quite a dream, and we were the ones that got to design it! What a privilege!
I was part of an amazing design team full of wonderful people. These people all are using their unique gifts and talents that God has given them to do this great work in Liberia. As I got to know them, I realized that God had chosen the perfect people for this trip. All of them combined to inspired me to pursue God with my gifts, talents, time, and, ultimately, my life. What an honor to be working with these great men and women of God. I was extremely blessed.
the eMi team packed into a 15 passenger bus travelling through Liberia
The trip was definitely a rollercoaster ride! There were many complications with the site, but in the end God ultimately showed us that His plan for ADA was way better than anything we ever could have dreamt up. Instead of describing this in full detail (to save you a few hours of reading), I will just direct your attention to the following YouTube video that we just made that does a great job of summarizing our trip into 4 minutes.*
*For some reason, it won’t let you play it in this blog, just click the link to take you to the YouTube channel, oh! and make sure you watch it in hd in full screen! :) Thanks!
This next video is one that I made with photos that I had taken while in Liberia. If you follow the captions, I basically narrate the project as we go along chronologically. All of these photos are up on my Picasa page -! I will also be continually uploading more photos of my adventure of this summer.. so keep checking that for more photos! Anyways, here is my video (again, watch it in hd full screen for full effect!).
Hopefully from these videos you can get a feel for the trip and know that the trip was truly epic! God worked in so many ways throughout our time there so that we were constantly reminded that He was in control.
As you can see in the videos, the site was a complete jungle and almost impenetrable. This, along with the hot, humid, rainy days made the surveying very difficult for the engineers. Not only that, but the site was completely surrounded by a river.. we discovered that it would cost at least $5mil to build a bridge that big! Oh, and the site that was supposed to be at least 80 acres turned out to be only 30-40 acres of solid ground with the rest being a swamp! Sam wasn’t prepared for all of this information and was really feeling like this trip would be a major disappointment. He had invested so much money into this property, and it appeared that the dream was beginning to fade into nothing.. but luckily for him and ADA, God had bigger plans.
The initial site was so beautiful! I see why Sam was so attached to it
On a last stitch effort to find another way to access the site, Sam and Joshua went searching for a road just to the north of the area the site was at. To do this, they had to go on a long drive around the river (there weren’t any bridges across it except in Monrovia) and go into an extremely rural area where the road was supposedly located. Upon entering this hidden area, they discovered many villages that were in desperate need for help. They had no schools, no hospitals, no water supply, nothing. Not only that, but when they saw Sam and Joshua, they ran out to them asking them to help! Sam told them about ADA and they were practically giving him land to get him to build it out there Like I said, God had bigger plans.
God immediately placed a desire in Sam’s heart to build ADA here. He returned with Joshua with a new strength. He saw God at work through our trip, even if we wouldn’t be able to design on the site that he had paid for. While he was excited, he thought that for sure our trip had been in vain and that we wouldn’t be able to help him any more. Boy was he wrong! We informed him that we could still carry through with our designs and design based on an illustrative site. Basically, we made up a site with similar conditions to the surrounding area that we could design flexible buildings on. These buildings would then have the ability to adapt to another site of similar characteristics. This news completely blew Sam’s mind! Being there to witness his reaction to this was probably the highlight of the trip for me. :)
This next YouTube video is a fly-through of our design for the African Dream Academy. The main purpose of this video is to help ADA fundraise the money that they need to build it! I did most of the 3d modeling and fly-through design, and Carissa (eMi long term volunteer) did the video effects/text/photos. Enjoy!* :)
*Again, this video won’t play in this blog, just click the link to take you to the YouTube channel, and, again, make sure you watch it in hd in full screen! :) Thanks!
In the end, we were able to bless Sam and the African Dream Academy with a great design that will last for generations to come. We presented our designs at the end of the trip to the ADA board and afterwards we were overwhelmed by their immense gratitude to us for coming to help them! They still have a long road to go before it is built, but with our help they are one step closer to seeing their dream become a reality!
Support the African Dream Academy!
The last of the trip we got to spend at a resort to reflect on our trip. It was a bit odd to be in a place of luxury when I had thought that no such places existed in Liberia. However, the time spent with the team was so great! We had an amazing time of reflection and encouragement! I already really miss the team and the people in Liberia that have so greatly impacted my life! Goodbye Liberia!.. for now. :)
What doesn’t belong? lol.. hanging out with some great kids in Liberia
Well, I’ve written far more than I had intended to write, but I guess that’s what you get when you spend a couple of weeks writing one blog. :p I hope you all have enjoyed learning about what I experienced in Liberia. I also want to express my deep thanks to all those who have prayed for me while I was over there! The entire team was safe and nobody got Malaria or any other crazy disease (although a huge snake rapped itself around Georges leg on one of the treks through the jungle). Praise God for His loving hands upholding us!
I am now back in the UK at the eMi office continuing to work on this project. We are working on all the official drawings and the massive report. Hopefully, by the end of my time here, we will have issued the report and sent it off to ADA so they can begin building!
- Please pray for our team as we are trying to finish the project report by the time we (us interns) leave for home. It can be a stressful time, but I pray that God will give us peace and the ability to finish it in time!
- Please pray for my heart.. God has been challenging me a lot since I’ve been here and I want to really act on what He has laid on my heart. Pray that I will be invested into what He is doing around me. I want to have an outward focus and not an inward focus.
- Please pray for my best friend, Evan. Over the last 9 months, he has been through some crazy intense chemo, surgery and bone marrow transplant.. and now he will have to have radiation done. Pray for strength for him and his family and that the horrible cancer in his body will be forever gone after this! He is an amazing man of God and has an amazing story.. click here to read more about it!
- Finally, please pray that I will get the rest of my funds that I need. I have not received any donations for a while and I just found out that I still need $1,000 - $2,000 to be fully funded. I am not sure on the exact total and will let you know when I find out. If you have the ability to help sponsor me, please click here to donate (place “Tim Berry-2816” in the designation line)! Thank you all so much!
I have a feeling that now that I’ve broken through and finished this blog that I will be updating more frequently (but with much shorter blogs). Until then.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
..A Pencil in the Hand of God
Everything is going great over here. I've just finished packing for Liberia and am about to go to bed for a couple of hours before heading to the airport to catch our flight to Africa! Wow, I can barely believe what I just typed. It is actually happening. We are heading to Liberia to do some sweet architecture for a ministry that is in dire need of our help. How cool is that? ... The last few weeks have been so busy that I haven't had much time to let it all sink in. Wow. I am completely blown away by God right now. :)
Ok, just a quick random thought before I tell you a little bit about the trip. The title of this blog is 'A Pencil in the Hand of God'. I really want that to be me. I want to be a tool that God will use to bless the lives of countless orphaned Liberian children. I want to rest in knowing that no matter what my shortcomings are, that God will use me and our team to do His work. We just need to be willing vessels. More of God, and less of us. That is my prayer for this trip. That God would be able to use us to design for His glory!
Now, a quick summary of the past week or so: After a short orientation, we got straight into work last week to finish a past project that eMi did in India last fall. Our goal was to finish the drawings and report and having it printed by the end of the week. We really wanted to have that complete before we started this new project so that we could be completely focused on Liberia. Well, we finished that project on time and folded and bound all the copies of the report just yesterday (which was a lot of work!). Not only that, but we were able to assemble a complete Liberia project profile and are completely ready for our trip tomorrow! God is so good!
Here is the interesting part: I've mentioned in previous blogs that our main plan in Liberia was to design an orphanage for a ministry called ABC Children's Aid Liberia. Just a few days ago we were made aware of some tension between ABC Liberia and ABC International. I won't get into the politics of it, but because of all this tension, we have decided to postpone that trip to a later date. Bummer... or so it seemed.
Here is the God part: We had been planning on spending the first three days in Liberia doing a quick sketch design for a ministry called African Dream Academy that is only a few miles away from ABC Liberia. This was to help them get started on fund-raising for their project, and once funded we were then going to come back to do a full design/master plan. When we found out about the tension with ABC, we called ADA (African Dream Academy) to see if it was possibly to completely focus on their project and do a full design while we are there. Not only was it possible, but they were expecting this to happen and are completely prepared for us to come! Wow, God is so good! They have arranged our accommodations and everything already. Talk about a good back-up plan. The more I look into the project description and everything surrounding this whole mess, the more I realize that this was God's plan all along. He has completely provided the perfect project for our team and one that will do the most good the soonest. Wow.
What ADA is all about: ADA is very similar to ABC Liberia. Both ministries reach out to the orphaned children of Liberia in order to lead them to Christ. ADA's vision is summarized by this: "To feed an African child is good, but to educate an African child is better". Basically, they would rather teach a child to fish, rather than just give him a fish for one meal. They are "dedicated to making Liberia a better place by empowering orphan youth and children to achieve their dreams through providing a quality education that addresses their spiritual needs and provides them technical skills without a high cost (and in many cases free)." This is their vision, but they need help achieving it.

Here is where we come in: ADA owns an 85 acre site just outside of Monrovia, Liberia that is almost completely surrounded by a river. On the 85 acre site, ADA would like us to design a technical and vocational school, complete with classrooms, a multipurpose hall, staff and student boarding. They also want us to help with access to the site - bridges, roads, etc. Also, as Liberia has been completely devastated by their recent bloody civil war, they are in need of sustainable electricity, access to clean water, sewage disposal, among other things. With the recent civil war, most of the trained professionals in Liberia have fled the country and they have nobody to do this design at a reasonable cost. So, we get to come in and do it for free! So exciting!

More info: The more I read about Liberia, ADA and the condition of the people in that area, the more I see their great need. Liberia has been completely ravashed by the civil one of the bloodiest civil wars Africa has ever seen (and that is saying something). The country as a whole is basically starting over from square one. As a result, there is basically no remaining infrastructure (Roads, Water, Sewage, etc). Over 75% of the children in Liberia are illiterate and most are orphans. They are in desperate need of an education. As I look into these conditions, I realize that they have a clean slate right now and there is so much opportunity for them in the future! However, just like Jesus said in the gospels, "the harvest is great but the workers are few". They need us. We are going. How awesome is that!
Prayer requests: While we are in Liberia, the weather conditions are not ideal for designing. We are arriving in the middle of monsoon season and it is going to be very hot while we are there. Hot and humid.. doesn't sound too pleasant. Pray that it won't inhibit our surveying of the site or any of the design aspects. Also pray for us as we endure these rough conditions (plus I have no idea what our accommodations will be like while we are there!). Also pray for team unity and for us to be able to work amazingly together. Pray for us to stay focused while we are there and that we will be willing vessels in the hands of the Father. It will be so awesome to be able to give ADA a sweet design to help them help the needy orphans of Liberia! Pray. :)
Until next time (probably June 20th), Cheers.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
..Minding the GAP
After two trips to London this week, I've discovered a few things about myself:
- I love traveling! I love seeing different cultures, different cities, different styles of architecture and the history behind it all!
- I don't enjoy being a typical tourist. Let me explain. On Wednesday, I took the train to London and made my way to meet a friend from eMi at a Thai place for dinner then went to a low key concert in a small venue called the "Underbelly". It was very chill and I really enjoyed the experience. Today, I went to London with a few friends and we toured all over London. We saw many of the main tourist attractions (In terms of architecture, of course). However, for most of the day, we spent most of our time just walking and taking the underground to see as much as we could. It was after a few hours of this that I realized that I would much rather just explore one or two buildings, or just go to an English event that was rich with British culture. Ah, but we finished the day with dinner in a legit English restaurant. So, all was good!
- I really wish Phoenix had an underground! It is so much fun and quick to get around the city! Also, an announcer tells you to "mind the gap" every time you board or leave the train! So legit! I also realized that I need to really enjoy the city more when I get back. I know there's a lot to see/do in Phoenix that I really have never taken much interest in for whatever reason.
Anyways, that's what I was just thinking about today. Hope you enjoyed the quick read (for me that is, ha ha!).
Monday, May 24, 2010
..Tea Time!
If you've read my previous posts, then you know that I had a hard time getting to the UK. My flight was canceled late on Sunday, so I was stuck in Charlotte for 2.5 days. This wasn't all that bad because I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep! But, since my last post Wednesday, I left for Philly, then caught an overnight flight to Paris which was entirely impossible to get any sleep on because of crying babies! :/ From there, I was able to take British Airways to London Heathrow. I was traveling with one of the other interns, Jess, and we actually had a fairly good time of it.
The trickiest part of the journey was getting through customs, or so we thought. The other intern, Ryan, was detained for questioning when he went through customs on Tuesday. Apparently England is not as loose as the US when it comes to who they allow over the border, ha ha. Needless to say, we were very worried we might not get in. However, we prayed about it and were very confident as we went up to the customs officer. After a brief 5 minute conversation about what we were doing there, and a very awkward pause as he looked at our paperwork, he decided to let us through with a smile. He seemed to like the fact that we were doing charity work, both in the UK and in Liberia... once he believed us. :p
We met Mike Woods (the director of eMi UK) at the airport and he took us to his home called the Baylies (in the countryside they don't have street numbers, just names!) in Suffolk, just outside of Colchester. While there, we met Marietta - Mike's wife - Ryan - the other intern - and Carissa - a long term volunteer for eMi. They are all really awesome people.. so far anyways ;) After a nice dinner, which was surprisingly good after all the mishaps Ryan and co. had while preparing it, we were driven back to our flat in Colchester (Our flat is called Wheatsheaf court, how cool is that?). It was late already, and we both had jet lag (Ryan and I) so we fell asleep instantly.
Friday and Saturday were very similar. We had to cram a week's worth of orientation into 2 days so we had a lot to do. It was a good time of team building: personality tests, strength tests, spiritual gift tests, devotions, prayer, testimonies and just good ol' hanging out. I could go on and blog about each of those things for a long time, but I'll try not to bore you all any more than I have to. :) But, not only did we begin to unify as a group, I also discovered that one of the other people at the office and I have identical personalities. Crazy! Who knew there was another person who could understand how I though/processed things? Oh, and I forgot to mention Jean. We met her on Friday at orientation. She's the lead engineer at our office and she's a really sweet person with an awesome testimony. We only get to have her at the office on Fridays though, because she works at her paying job 4 days of the week.
Sunday was very interesting. It was Pentecost Sunday and we were able to go to 2 churches. In the morning we went to the church that our office is located at which is an old Baptist church. We were introduced to the congregation and had a pleasant time there. It was very traditional but I enjoyed it! After a drive through the countryside to the Baylies, I wandered through their garden (English word for yard) which is 5 acres big. It was a great time of just reflecting on the past week and preparing myself for this next week. They have probably 50-100 large trees and 5 acres of grass, so it was quite a relaxing time.
We then went for cream tea at Denham. This is a very traditional British thing to do. Just picture a little old tea shop in a historic English city where everyone sips on tea with their pinkies out. It was great! Oh, and the cream and scones (English word for biscuit) were the best part!
After that, we went to an old Anglican church (that Carissa and Mike both go to) for a more contemporary service. It was really good! The worship was great and the message was on prayer and was very encouraging. At the end there was more worship and the entire congregation (about 30-40 people) went to the front to kneel. It was a sweet experience as the presence of God just poured down on us. I really was not expecting that from an Anglican church, but definitely loved it!
Ok, so now we get to Monday (today for me). Today marked the start of actual work. We leave on our project trip to Liberia next Thursday, but before that, we have to finish up the last project they did in India. We mainly just have some AutoCAD drawings to finish and then print them all out and create a report for the ministry in India. It's actually quite a lot of work, and we are aiming to get it all done by the end of this week! :0 It ended up being about a 9 hour day, but with tea breaks and just having a good time while working, it didn't seem that long at all. I really love the fact that I get to serve the Kingdom with my small skills as an architecture student. It's amazing!
That leads me to right now, as I sit in my little room, in my little flat, in the small town of Colchester, in the great country of England. I am beyond excited for this summer! I still can't believe that God has allowed me to come out here and serve with this great ministry and with all these amazing people! I feel so fulfilled right now that it is almost ridiculous! Praise Jesus! I could literally go on and on about how I feel about this summer, but I think you get the point.
As we go forward from here, there are a few big prayer requests that I'd love for you to pray about:
-Jess: She is the other architecture intern, and is not feeling well and has not been able to participate in very much since Saturday afternoon. She even missed work today. Please pray that she does not come down with anything major and that tonight she will be healed from whatever is wrong with her so that she will be able to help our team try to finish up this project this week.
-The project trip to Libera: We are still hopeful that we can get a Surveyor and Agricultural Engineer before we leave next week. Please pray for that! That would be amazing! The weather in Liberia is not very good right now either, so pray that we make it there safely and are safe on all our travels around in Liberia. Oh and the weather there sounds miserable (90 degrees, 95% humidity, feels like 115 degrees and T-storms throughout our trip). Please pray that we somehow make it through the 17 days we are there and come up with good designs, both for African Dream and ABC Christian Academy.
-The project report for the India project: Just pray that we finish everything we need to get done this week. It can be a stressful time, and I just hope and pray that we will put it all in God's hands and do our best. We will be very busy, so we could use prayer for extra energy and stamina! :)
-Our team: Most of the members of our team have some really big things that they and/or their family is going through. Please pray for continued peace, rest, and unity in our group. Also, pray for miracles to happen in our lives and through our work here at eMi! We really need you praying for us!
Thank you all so much for everything. I can not tell you how much your prayers mean to me. Oh, and if you are able to donate to help me do this work this summer, then please do! I'm still in need of support. Not only do I need about 2000 for the rest of this trip to be funded, but I had to pay for an unexpected hotel stay in Charlotte and an extra flight from Paris to London, so I know that total went up about 200-300 dollars. Please pray for all the finances to be taken care of. :)
Thank you again!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
.. What Breaks Yours
Sunday, May 16th (which in England they would say 16 May 2010 cuz they like to be different): I flied out from Sky Harbor (PHX) to Douglas Intl. (Charlotte) and that in and of itself was quite an adventure. I almost missed my flight because my correct boarding pass did not print out. Anyways, I made it to Charlotte, but then my flight to LGW (London) was delayed, and then canceled because of the ash cloud. One of the other interns met up with me there and we had a hard time rescheduling our flight. We almost were sent back home and had to wait 10 days, but we somehow managed to book a flight to Paris on Wednesday and then figure out our way to England from there.
Monday: Checked into a hotel in Charlotte (Sleep Inn) at about 2am with Jess (the other intern, and in seperate rooms, of course). Slept in (@ Sleep Inn), well actually, pretty much slept the entire day. Later that day we were able to book a flight from Paris to London on Thursday! (We also watched the Suns get cremated by the Lakers.. boo!)
Tuesday: Slept a lot more! Able to prepare my heart for this internship and just spend a lot of time with Jesus. :) I really needed that! I didn't really do much that day, but in the evening I met some friends of some of my good friends who live in Charlotte. We hung out for a while and I got to meet their family.. pretty chill! Lemme give a shout out to the Volks! w00t!
Wednesday: Was very tired that day from a late night and early morning. Hung out at the airport for a few hours. Flew from Charlotte to Philadelphia in the afternoon. Hung out at that airport for a while, then caught a flight to Paris later in the evening. I had been hoping to catch up on some sleep on the flight so I took some Benadryl when we took off, but the entire flight there was a baby screaming right behind me! Ugh! Gotta love being tested, haha! Well.. more to come later!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
..Sleep Inn
Well, as it says in His word, God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. I've found this to be especially true during our time in Charlotte. I have been able to catch up on sleep and really prepare myself spiritually for this internship. I feel that the semester had been so busy and then I went straight to packing after it ended that I didn't really have time to just take a deep breath and take it all in. So, I really thank God for giving us this chance to relax and chill with Him - even though the circumstances were not ideal at all.
Well, I am now about to head to the airport for a flight to Philly at 2:45 ET. We'll then jump on a flight to Paris, go through customs, switch airlines, jump on a flight to London, go through customs there, and then finally drive to Colchester, England! Phew! This will be a lot of travel, but we are ready for it! Thank God for that!
Please be praying for all of our travels - that we wouldn't have any complications with any of our flights and that everything would go on without a hitch! Thank you so much! I can't wait to start updating you all on what is going on during the internship - instead of just the trip there! Ha ha!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Right now we are booking our hotel for the next few nights. I'll try to update again before our flight Wednesday once we figure everything out.
Please be praying that we are able to get lodging for the next few nights and that we somehow make it to the EMI office as planned. Thank you all so much for everything!
 I'm leaving for England in about 30 minutes! I can't believe it is finally here! This is crazy. In 24 hours, I will be sippin' on a cup o' tea in Colchester England... well, I actually don't know that, but I will be in England with eMi Lord willing (The volcanic ash might cause some flight delays :/ ).
I have very mixed emotions right now about leaving. On the one side, I am blown away by this opportunity and cannot wait to get there and start this adventure and see what all God has planned for me and the entire eMi office! But, on the other, I am really going to miss my family and friends this summer. 12 weeks is a long time. That really wouldn't be too big of a deal, but my best friend ever Evan Lumpkin has been battling a rare cancer for the past 8 months or so and will be going through the most intense round of chemo (and his last) starting this Wednesday. It breaks my heart that I will not be here to be with him during this hard time. However, I really feel the Lord is calling me to this internship, so I am leaving knowing that I am in His plan for my life which is very reassuring. I just wish it didn't have to be this difficult.
Anyways, if you could please, please, please pray for my friend Evan as often as you think of him in the next coming weeks. He will need all the prayer he can get. Also, check out his blog and see what his specific prayer needs are. He appreciates every prayer so much! His blog is found here -
Aside from that, if you could be praying for me, and the entire eMi team as we are all preparing for this trip to Liberia that would be amazing! Pray for safe travels, open hearts, and for God to just completely blow all of our minds on this adventure! I cannot wait to blog about all the amazing things that are happening through this awesome ministry that I get to be a part of this summer. I cannot thank you enough for all of your prayers. Prayer is truly powerful. Thank you.
Also, if you were wondering about my financial goals for this trip, I believe I have raised about 75% already! Thank you all so much for your generous giving! I am well over the $5000.00 I needed to raise before this trip starts. I will however be continuing to raise the remaining $2000ish over summer. If you would like to donate please donate online at by clicking “Donate” and putting “Tim Berry-2816” in the “Designation” line. Thank you so much! I could not have made it this far without your generous giving and prayers!
Until the next blog.. cheers!
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I have not been updating this blog very often, but I have been extremely busy this past month. This past week, I just finished my semester-long studio project - what a relief to be done with that! I can now catch up on some lost sleep and turn more of my attention to this summer internship!
On that note, I am so excited to tell you all that I've raised 56% of my goal for this trip already! Thank you all so much for all of your gifts! I am blown away by your extreme generosity! God is so good!
All that being said, I still need $3,280.00 to be fully funded on this trip. I know it seems like a lot, but I believe God is going to provide it! If you would like to help me reach my goal - and we both know that you want to! :) - you can donate online. It's actually super easy. All you have to do is go to and click on the “Donate” button. Next, fill out your information and put “Tim Berry-2816” in the “Designation” line. That's it.. see how easy it is? :)
If you can't support me financially, please continue to pray for me, my trip, and the entire EMI team. I know there are a lot of needs for our trip and would love to see God come and meet each and every one of them in a way that only He can do. Thank you all so much again!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
..Designing a World of Hope
Hi Everyone!
I am so excited to be sharing with you some of the incredible things that God is doing in and through my life right now! As many of you know, I am currently in my third year at Arizona State University studying Architecture. While this major definitely has been very challenging (understatement of the year!), I really do love learning all about architecture! However, being at a public university, it is easy to see that something is missing. This campus terribly needs Jesus! That’s why it is so good to see ministries on campus being the light in the darkness that this world so desperately needs and I am truly grateful to be a small part of that light. I really am confident that I am where God wants me to be.
All that being said, for the past two years, I have felt a strong desire for more - more of God’s presence, more of His will for my life, and less of mine. I know that I am where He wants me to be, yet I can’t escape this feeling of desiring more. I had felt that this maybe meant I should go into ministry, or, something along those lines. However, I still felt that I was studying architecture for a reason, but I had no idea how architecture and ministry could go hand in hand… but God did!
I am so excited to be telling you all that for this entire summer, I will be serving at Engineering Ministries International as an Intern Architect! EMI is a charitable Christian development organization made up of volunteer architects, engineers, design professionals and building technicians who donate their skills to help children and families around the world step out of poverty and into a world of hope. Since 1982, EMI has designed over 700 projects in over 85 countries! I am so incredibly excited for this amazing opportunity to serve with this awesome ministry (this is actually the true understatement of the year!)!
EMI has seven offices all around the world and this summer; I will be serving in their office in the United Kingdom. The office is in Colchester England and I will be staying close by. As an Intern, I will assist the ministry in whatever projects they need my help with. The main project, however, will be located outside of Monrovia, Liberia. We are going to Liberia for two weeks to design a new technical school (as well as making revisions to the campus) for a ministry called ABC Christian Aid. This is a Christian organization whose goal is to help Africa's orphaned and vulnerable children become godly contributors to their communities and the world. I am so incredibly excited to be going on this trip to help out this amazing ministry!
Here’s where you come in! In order for me to do this internship, I need two things: prayer and money! But, prayer is the most important thing you can do. I believe in a God who listens to our prayers and acts on them. Even if you can’t give any money, please stand with me in prayer! Pray for this entire trip to be completely directed by God. I know that if God is in control, everything else will fall into place! However, I do need money too. In fact, I need $7500 to be able to go and serve on this internship. If God leads you to give, please donate online at by clicking “Donate” and putting “Tim Berry-2816” in the “Designation” line by May 10th. Thank you so much for both your prayer and financial support! I really appreciate it!

God Bless!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
..The fingerprint of God

.. much like the periodic table, the Fibonacci sequence/golden rectangle clearly shows the fingerprint of God in the design of this world..
Note: To scientists, I'm sure that the periodic table blows their minds, but to me (as a designer), this blows my mindx10!
Friday, February 5, 2010
IHOPU Awakening Webcast

(If you don't know anything about IHOP, it is an awesome ministry, check it out for yourself)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
..The Great Road-Trip!
For starters, I'm going into this semester after having enjoyed an awesome break! It wasn't all amazing, but for the most part it was great. I had a bunch of goals to have completed before this semester started, and, well.. let's just say that I have a bunch of goals to complete still. :/ I did finish a few though. For starters, I just finished an application for an summer internship position at EMI World. It's a Christian based non-profit organization that goes to third world countries and builds and designs hospitals, bridges, schools, orphanages, etc. for Christian ministries that can not afford to build them on their own. How cool is that!? It's like a mission trip and an architecture internship all rolled up into one! I think that I have a reasonable shot at getting the internship too! Please pray that I get it! I have a feeling that God is going to do something incredible in my life through this experience!
Back to this semester. I strongly desire to learn a lot in architecture school AND grow spiritually! Last semester, I felt like I barely survived school and didn't grow spiritually much. I want that to change this semester! I know that if I put God first daily, I can truly live up to the calling He has placed on my life! I'm stoked to see what God is going to do through my life this semester! Again, please pray for me! It's very difficult to stay focused on God through the craziness of architecture school!
Here's something random that I just remembered. A couple of weeks ago I was driving home from Snowbowl (ski resort up in Flagstaff) after a long day of snowboarding, and me and my friend were talking about how life is like a road-trip. Let me explain: It's super easy to stay focused on the road and drive safely when you are alert and have someone to talk to/encourage you, but when it's dark out and you are tired and your friend is sleeping, it's so easy to lose focus on the road and veer off to the side. Or, when you get hungry, it is so easy to just pull off to the side of the road to get a snack and take a break from driving. It's the same with life. When you have others around you to encourage you and keep you going it is easy to stay focused on God's plan for your life and to stay on the straight and narrow path. But, when you start to feel drained (i.e. architecture school), it is easy to start to lose focus on God (the road) and focus on other things in your life. It's easy to just hit the pause button on your walk with God and just take a break from it all - just going through the motions without meaning and purpose in your life. But, just as God is with you while you are driving across country on a road-trip at night, He is with you when you start to feel drained and want to take a break. Instead of hitting the 'pause button', just ask God to fill you up. He WILL! Getting back to the analogy, God is like having a portable gas station in your car so that you never have to stop, and can always keep going towards where He has called you to! - BUT HE IS EVEN BETTER! (haha, I'm funny, I know) The analogy didn't even end there, we had taken it a lot farther, but it was kind of ridiculous so I don't want to put it all on here.
I hope that makes sense because it is really encouraging to me to think of this semester as another part of the great road of life that God is leading us through. He will always be there for us and will always help us when we are weary and tired and just want to give up and turn around. But, He won't let go of us that easily! He'll slap us when we fall asleep (not literally) at the wheel and He'll be that friend in the passenger seat to keep us company. He won't be a back seat driver and comment on all of the mistakes you make, because He already forgave you for your past mistakes and future mistakes 2000 years ago. He just wants to encourage you to help you drive better and to stay on track. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE TRAVEL COMPANION ON YOUR ROAD-TRIP!
Anywho, this blog has sorta changed topics dramatically, but I like it. I hope that this analogy hasn't completely confused you, and I pray that you can look over its many errors and my grammatical errors. I really hope that you are encouraged as we all begin this next stage on our great road trip called life! If anyone needs prayer or wants to talk about anything, just email me at! I'd be super happy and privileged to hear from you!